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A Lover of Jesus

I first contacted the local church in my first year of medical school in 1996. Ever since I was young, I’ve always wanted to be a physician. After spending most of my teenage years and my early twenties studying, I was so very excited at being accepted to study in pursuit of a medical degree. However, this excitement did not last long. Soon I started to feel exhausted by the rigorous schedule and discipline required of a medical student.

One of my first courses as a medical student was gross anatomy. We got to dissect cadavers for one semester. I was surprised to see people of all backgrounds and ages donating their bodies for medical education. The youngest person’s cadaver for that semester was a 22-year-old college student. He died in a motorcycle accident. Up to that point, I never thought much about death. But during that year I kept asking myself “What is the meaning of human life? Why did God make me? Am I just trying to live a proper life and a good life for some 70-80 years and waiting to go to heaven?” I’ve never doubted the existence of God, and even attended some Sunday morning services. However, I didn't find any answers. I felt empty inside, even though I’d achieved my lifelong goal and was just a few years away from realizing my dreams. Strangely, I knew what I needed. I knew I needed the Lord. And I needed to have companions in pursuit of the Lord together with me.

My parents had begun meeting with the local church just 2 years prior to the start of my medical training. When I was struggling spiritually, I told them of my condition. They, along with the other Christians in the church there, began to pray for me and introduced me to the church in the city where I was living. I started meeting with the local church that weekend. I had never met a group of people who loved the Lord so much and were not afraid to show their love for the Lord. I was so happy to be with these lovers of Jesus. They did not care about my past, but rather warmly welcomed me as a brother in Christ.

It has been three years since I started meeting with the local church. I am still happy to be a lover of Jesus. I have been helped so much since I started to meet with the church. Before I started meeting with the local church, I had never wanted to read the Bible on my own. Today I am hungry for the Lord’s speaking in the Bible. Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace.

In Pursuit of the Lord

I am currently a 4th year medical student in Texas. The first time I heard of the names of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee was on June 7, 1996, a few weeks after I started meeting with the believers in the local church. Even though I grew up in Taiwan, I had not heard about nor read anything written by them.

Due to my rigorous schedule in medical school, I did not have much free time to read outside my school reading. However, whenever I did have free time I liked to read the books written by these two brothers. I thank the Lord that these brothers did not just keep what they saw and experienced of the Lord to themselves, but were faithful to speak and write of these things to God's people.

I was raised in a Christian family, but I did not know that much about what I believed because I did not read the Bible and was not clear on many points of truth. But after reading some of Watchman Nee’s and Witness Lee’s books, everything became much clearer for me. I now have a better understanding of the truths and I see what God's purpose is for us: to build up the Body of Christ. I love the Lord much more because of these brothers' help. Praise the Lord for raising up these brothers as gifts to the Body of Christ.
